Our new Speech Forum series will provide bite-sized chunks of focused professional development while connecting you to a community of speech and language professionals. Our first one-hour forum will focus on Q-global®, our web-based system for administering, scoring, and reporting on Pearson assessments such as the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test™ Fifth Edition (PPVT™-5), Expressive Vocabulary Test™ Third Edition (EVT™-3), Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation™ 3 (GFTA™-3), Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals® Fifth Edition (CELF® 5), and more!
Expressive Vocabulary Test, Third Edition
Join us for a 4-part series focused on Assessment via Telepractice Office Hours for SLPs. Topics will include practical questions we’re getting as well as updated guidance documentation for various assessments. These online sessions will include Q&A, so please bring your questions!
Join us for a 4-part series focused on Assessment via Telepractice Office Hours for SLPs. Topics will include practical questions we’re getting as well as updated guidance documentation for various assessments. These online sessions will include Q&A, so please bring your questions!
Join us for a 4-part series focused on Assessment via Telepractice Office Hours for SLPs. Topics will include practical questions we’re getting as well as updated guidance documentation for various assessments. These online sessions will include Q&A, so please bring your questions!
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This webinar will compare the input, processing, and output demands of the tasks on the PPVT-5 and EVT-3 and show how the task demands inform interpretation of the test results.
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Haven't heard details about the new releases? Need to know why you should take advantage of the pre-publication discount? Stop in for a few minutes and hear the details, ask questions, and get answers.
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Identifying children who are struggling with classroom tasks because of weaknesses in vocabulary comprehension and/or retrieval is possible using the PPVT-5 and EVT-3.
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This webinar covers using the PPVT-5 and EVT-3 tests to assess receptive and expressive vocabulary and generate intervention plans.
This is Part 1 of the Vital Vocabulary for Every Age series, focusing on vocabulary knowledge needed by preschool children, with emphasis on developing phonological awareness and words about print and instruction.
The Vital Vocabulary for Every Age webinar series provides clinicians with key information about vocabulary knowledge at three stages of a person's life: the preschool years, primary and middle grades, and high school.
Continuing Education
A number of our webinars have been approved by various organizations for continuing education credit, allowing you to receive recognition for your advanced learning.