

Join us at one of our virtual Focus events! These casual and informative, one-hour Zoom events bring together educators, clinicians, and Pearson product experts to collaborate on how to make each season of your school year or practice a success. Learn about top tools, get to know your assessment consultant, and get your questions answered by registering for our upcoming virtual events today!


Our new Speech Forum series will provide bite-sized chunks of focused professional development while connecting you to a community of speech and language professionals. Our first one-hour forum will focus on Q-global®, our web-based system for administering, scoring, and reporting on Pearson assessments such as the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test™ Fifth Edition (PPVT™-5), Expressive Vocabulary Test™ Third Edition (EVT™-3), Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation™ 3 (GFTA™-3), Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals® Fifth Edition (CELF® 5), and more!


Join Our 2025 OT/PT Forums for Professional Development & Community Engagement. Connect with OT Experts, Provide Feedback, and Ask Questions. Register Now!

Presenter(s): Lorri Jensen

Join us for an in-depth overview of Review360®, a web-based platform that supports the implementation of a systematic process for problem-solving, databased decision-making, and equitable practice.

Presenter(s): Dr. Laine Bradshaw

We know that formative classroom assessments are often seen as assessments for learning, shifting the focus from evaluation to student growth. But did you know that they can also be assessments as learning? Join us for a thoughtful discussion on classroom assessment practices with Dr. Laine Bradshaw, founder of the Navvy formative classroom assessment system.

Recorded: View Recording