Purchase orders
Organizations (clinics, hospitals, schools, school districts, etc.) may utilize purchase orders to make purchases via this website, web form, or fax. PO invoices are payable through the website invoice or the iPay systems.
Ordering via the website
Purchase orders may be used in lieu of a credit card during website checkout. However, the PO order option is only available if ordering with an organization account (not your Personal Account) and is not available if this is the first order for a new account.
Simply select the PO option in checkout and enter your PO number, then complete your order. An order confirmation will be emailed to you following completion of your order and can be accessed at any time you are signed in by choosing your profile drop-down (the circle with your initials at the top right of the page) then navigating to 'Order History'. An invoice will also be sent to you.
PO Ordering via fax, webform, or mail
To ensure accurate and efficient handling of your order when utilizing one of these manual ordering methods, please confirm the following information is on your purchase order:
- Qualified User First and Last Name
- Qualified User Email address and Phone number
- Account/Organization/District of School Name
- If ordering Q-global® or Q-interactive® products, include Q-global® or Q-interactive® account number
If any of the above information is not listed on your purchase order, either add the missing information to your purchase order or fill out the relevant field(s) on the Order Checklist document and include this document with your purchase order upon submission. Any orders that are missing this required information can not be processed and will be placed on hold. Our Customer Support team will contact you to provide the information and complete the order.
Learn more about manual ordering methods or qualifications.