ADHD assessments and resources

Diagnosing and treating ADHD isn't easy, but we have the tools to help
If left untreated, ADHD in adults and children can cause serious issues in relationships, school, and work. Unfortunately, ADHD symptoms aren't always cut and dry, nor is the process of reaching a diagnosis, and it often needs to be approached from many angles. ADHD diagnoses are on the rise, and it's critical to have the right ADHD assessments and tests to identify and treat both the disorder itself and the issues commonly surrounding it.
ADHD by the numbers

- The 2016 National Survey of Children's Health (NSCH) found that 9.4% of children between ages 2-17 have been diagnosed with ADHD.
- Boys (13.2%) are almost 3 times more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than girls (5.6%).
- Up to 17.5% of the children surveyed by the CDC were not receiving treatment for their diagnosed ADHD.
- The rate of emotional development for children with ADHD is as much as 30% slower than it is for children without the condition.
- 40% of children who have ADHD have at least one parent who has ADHD.
- As many as 33% of children diagnosed with ADHD also have a coexisting condition.

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