Personality & Biopsychosocial

Presenter(s): Theo Miron, NCSP

In our changing digital world, social media offers both connectivity and risks for youth and their mental health. While social media can offer opportunities to connect with others and act as a medium for self-expression; significant concerns with cyberbullying, exposure to harmful content, and an increase in mental health issues have emerged. Through thoughtful planning and open dialogue, parents and educators can mitigate such risks and offer practical tips to embrace responsible social media use. As society grapples with digital challenges, collaboration between home and school pave the way for responsible social media use and mental well-being.

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This webinar presentation provides an overview of the new and updated MMPI®-3 comparison groups available with Q-global®. New additions for 2024 include airline pilot candidates, clergy candidates, collegiate athletes, forensic child custody litigants, forensic parental fitness evaluees, and more.

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This webinar presentation provides an introductory overview of the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ), the most up-to-date broadband measure of normal-range personality traits. The test coauthor describes the methods used to develop the MPQ and provides a brief history on research use of the test. Dr. Sellbom also covers information on scale descriptions, normative data, and samples of the MPQ Score Report and MPQ Police Preemployment Interpretive Report (PPIR).

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Presenter(s): Thomas E. Brown, PhD

Increasingly, ADHD has been recognized as an impairment of the brain’s executive functions. Research has demonstrated that for more than half of adolescents and adults with ADHD their functioning is complicated by one or more additional psychiatric disorders. This webinar will describe various types of comorbid disorders often associated with ADHD and will include ways psychologists can take comorbid disorders into account in assessment and treatment of clients with ADHD.

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Presenter(s): Pat Moran, PhD

This webinar focuses on how policy shifts and resources are being used to address mental health and wellness in the military and public safety sectors of the government. It covers precursors to risk, how to conceptualize it in a prevention framework, and initial assessment tools that can be used to identify emerging risk and future behaviors of concern.

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Presenter(s): Kathleen Woodward, Ed.S., NCSP, and Chris Huzinec

Children diagnosed with ADHD have been shown to be at risk for lower-than-expected academic achievement and educational attainment. This intermediate session will help practitioners identify specific impairments and the severity of impact on functioning and enable them to develop targeted interventions.  

Recorded: View Recording
Presenter(s): Dr. Robert Tringone

This one-hour webinar will present intriguing findings for a juvenile justice group from the MACI®-II standardization sample vs matched controls. Focusing on how the MACI-II assesses trauma symptoms within the context of emerging personality types, an illustrative case will be presented.

Recorded: View Recording
Presenter(s): Richard W. Handel, PhD

This webinar presentation provides a brief overview of the rationale for and methods used to develop the MMPI-A-RF, and the various materials available to score and interpret the test. The test is designed to aid clinicians in identifying a broad array of mental disorders among adolescents in clinical, educational, forensic, and medical settings.