Join this author-led webinar to hear about the new Movement ABC-3 Test and Checklist and learn how the two can be used together or independently to assess motor competence in children and young adults.
Developmental Early Childhood webinars
In this webinar, data will be presented to highlight the value of dedicated basic concept assessment to determine if a child understands the basic concepts needed to be successful in formal education, identify the basic concepts a child has mastered and the concepts the child has not learned, and to contribute information to psychoeducational assessment.
The prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder is currently 1 in 36 school-age children in the United States. Yet, the breadth of the spectrum is so broad and heterogeneous that it becomes perplexing as to how some individuals who are profoundly affected can carry the same diagnostic label as those with more subtle symptom expression. This workshop will help clinicians better understand the variability across the autism spectrum based symptom expression, levels of cognition and language, sex differences, emotional/behavioral regulation, and racial/ethnic differences. How to identify and differentiate the common co-occurring conditions will also be discussed.
This webinar will delve into the multifaceted landscape of early childhood assessment, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and partnership in ensuring positive outcomes for young learners. With a focus on building strong relationships between educators, allied professionals, and caregivers, attendees will explore effective strategies to meet the diverse needs of children entering preschool and kindergarten.
CELF® Preschool-3: Assessing Language Skills Needed for Success in the Classroom Webinar (Recording)
This webinar will provide information about using performance indicators in the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Preschool (3rd ed.; CELF® Preschool–3) that provide clinicians with information about the language skills children need to succeed in their Pre-K or K–2 classrooms. Selected subtests that focus on semantic, pragmatic, and early literacy skills will be described, with information on how these subtests link to the curriculum. Two case studies will be presented.
This webinar will provide an evidence-based framework for assessing and teaching relational concepts essential for learning and emotional regulation. Dr. Boehm will discuss how this is done with students with diverse needs, such as those with disrupted learning, autism spectrum disorder, visual or hearing loss, and cognitive challenges. Checklists and key references will be provided.
This webinar will focus on the BBCS–4:R and BSRA–4, which are early childhood assessments used to assess children’s understanding of a wide range of language concepts used in daily classroom conversations, teacher directions, and school curricula.
Difficulties with communication, language, and social skills are common concerns for individuals diagnosed with ASD. While some individuals’ communication and language difficulties are subtle, and other individuals are severe, early identification in all cases provides the best opportunity for improvement. During this webinar we will focus on assessments based on different ages and language ability levels.
School professionals are on the front line of addressing the current mental health crisis among children and adolescents. In this webinar, we will demonstrate the process of identifying and addressing emotional, behavioral, and mental health concerns through screening, assessments, interventions, and progress monitoring.
An interactive panel discussion featuring three expert occupational therapists who will discuss their recent research in the field of autism, moderated by Pearson OT Research Director, Elizabeth Munsell, PhD, OTR/L