BBCS-4:R™ & BSRA-4™: Assessing Concept Knowledge for School Readiness Webinar (Recording)
Presenter(s): Bruce A. Bracken, PhD
This webinar will focus on the BBCS–4:R and BSRA–4, which are early childhood assessments used to assess children’s understanding of a wide range of language concepts used in daily classroom conversations, teacher directions, and school curricula.
The Bracken Basic Concept Scale-4th Edition: Receptive™ (BBCS-4: R™) and Bracken School Readiness Assessment™-4th Ed. (BSRA-4™) are developmental assessments used to assess children’s understanding of a wide range of concepts used in daily classroom conversations, teacher directions, and school curricula. Concept knowledge is a powerful predictor of language development, cognitive functioning, and school readiness. Results of the BBCS-4: R and BSRA-4 are important for psychologists, speech-language pathologists, and early childhood professionals who assess developmental delays, as well as for educators seeking to determine a child's school readiness. This intermediate-level webinar will provide an overview of the development, test administration, and scoring as well as how to integrate BBCS-4: R and BSRA-4 as part of your assessment battery.
Learner Outcomes
Based on the content of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Describe three examples of how comprehension of concepts impacts children's understanding of daily classroom conversations, teacher directions, and school curricula
- Explain how the assessment of concepts can be a powerful predictor of language development, cognitive functioning, and school readiness
- Explain how testing concepts can be an integrated part of your assessment battery.