Natalie Barnard and Sandra Juarez
Learn how the Digital Assessment Library for Schools can help create a more comprehensive evaluation in the areas of dyslexia and dysgraphia.
Explore Pearson's dyslexia and dysgraphia toolkits, featuring components already available to you within your district's Digital Assessment Library for Schools subscription!
Kathleen Woodward
This 45-minute webinar outlines the full process and best practices for identifying and addressing emotional, behavioral, and mental health concerns utilizing tools included in the Digital Assessment Library for Schools.
Becky Whalen
Learn how your SLP team can use Pearson's Digital Assessment Library for Schools (DALS) to work more efficiently and effectively during this busy assessment season. See a demo of a speech sound assessment on Q-interactive® and preview "under the radar" assessments included in your Q-global® resource library.
Liz Gross
Liz Grose presents on Pearson’s Digital Assessment Library for Schools (DALS) which provides a solution for school districts that offers unlimited use of nearly 40 assessments on Q-interactive and Q-global, including WISC-V, BASC-3, KTEA-3, Sensory Profile 2, CELF-5 and more.