
  • Introducing WAIS-5 on Q-interactive!

    An elderly woman with curly white hair looks intently at laptop while resting her chin on her hand.

    Hello everyone! I am Kristen Getz, the Product Owner (PO) of Q-interactive®. As the PO, my main role is to champion the customer’s needs throughout the product development journey. Before joining Pearson, I spent 14 years in clinical practice. At Pearson I have been focused on developing tests and improving our platforms for clinicians My passion for assessments comes from my experience working with children and adults, aiming to create products that are psychometrically sound and user-friendly while saving valuable time.

    The Q-interactive platform embodies everything I believe in and strive for: precision, intuitiveness, and innovation. Q-interactive is revolutionizing the field of psychological assessment, offering more accurate and creative ways to measure constructs. The new app's underlying technology has unlocked a plethora of new features that we will be gradually releasing, all based on feedback from you, our valued customers. Stay tuned because we know you will be excited about what is coming next!

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  • Addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion in test development

    People of different ethnic backgrounds in a group talking and laughing

    Pearson staff consider diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) throughout test planning/research planning, development, and revision process. There are both general and specific considerations for DE&I for any project that is being revised or developed. The general considerations for DE&I in clinical assessment development at Pearson will be summarized below, as well as specific considerations for the planning, initiation, content/item development, data collection, scoring and data analysis, and test manual writing phases. 

    This information is a summary of the complex process undergone by the Pearson staff to ensure that DE&I considerations are embedded within every phase of product planning and development. While this is by no means an exhaustive representation of our efforts, our staff is dedicated to continuing our learning and application of DE&I principles. 

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  • What are Fundamental Movement Skills and why do they matter for OTs and PTs?

    by Melinda Cooper, OT, MBA Product Manager

    A group of kids playing and jumping outside together

    If you're an occupational or physical therapist, you probably spend a lot of your day thinking, talking, and reading about motor skills. But have you ever come across the term “Fundamental Movement Skills”? Until recently, I hadn't, but it turns out there is a whole body of literature devoted to studying and discussing this construct that is, well, fundamental to children's ability to engage in play, recreation and activities of daily life. Sounds pretty relevant to what we do, right?

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  • 6 Ways To Bolster Digital Assessments with Professional Development

    Three happy diverse colleagues working on project together, using laptop

    The steady integration of technology in the classroom has ushered in a proliferation of digital assessments, which offer immense promise to reduce educator workloads and give them better insight into their students’ unique learning needs. Yet for all the ease they provide, digital assessments shouldn’t be deployed as a plug-and-play solution, at least initially. Without proper preparation, you run the risk of yielding inaccurate results, technical difficulties and even testing irregularities.

    Districts considering digital assessments should realize that the outcomes will only be as strong as the efforts they invest in professional development for the educators using them. Comprehensive training should cover big-picture issues, such as how to choose the most relevant assessment, work as a team, and appropriately analyze and apply the insights gleaned. It also should include logistical components, like standardizing administration, navigating the online testing platform, troubleshooting issues, utilizing accessibility features and upholding security protocols.

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  • The ABCs of Assessments for Early Childhood Educators

    by Kathleen Woodward, Nationally Certified School Psychologist and Senior Assessment Consultant for Pearson

    Teacher smiling while engaging two very young children with a set of blocks

    Early childhood educators and allied professionals realize the benefits of fostering an environment that embraces every child’s distinctive self-expression. We also realize that children reach milestones at different times and in different ways.

    However, part of our professional role is determining when some of our child’s individual “quirks” or reticence may indicate a need for further support. Assessments can help distinguish individuality or preferences from potential issues that might require intervention. While we never want to extinguish a child’s spark, early identification of developmental delays allows us to nurture areas where they might need an extra boost during prime learning windows and help set them on a positive path for their learning future.

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  • What's new with the BOT-3?

    by Melinda Cooper, OT, MBA Product Manager

    Laughing dad piggy backing kids at home

    The Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency™ (BOT™) was the first standardized test I came across on my first fieldwork placement as an occupational therapy student. Back then, it came in a clunky metal case and used real pennies for the coin activities (I'm showing my age now!) Like many therapists, I feel like I've "grown up with” the BOT so I'm thrilled to be part of the team bringing the original BOT's “grandchild” — the BOT™-3 — into the world! We are all excited about this new edition, and we think you will be too!

    Here's a preview of some of the changes you can expect to see in this latest version.

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  • How To Set Consistent Device and Social Media Rules at School — and at Home

    A diverse group of young students using cell phones

    As social media use surges among youth, educators are grappling with the need to manage device disturbances — while acknowledging that technology use is embedded in education. Although educators embrace digital tools to help surface diverse viewpoints, boost engagement and save time, clear guidelines are necessary to keep students on task during the school day and promote digital responsibility.

    As schools and districts aim to set consistent rules for device and social media usage, they should embrace a balanced approach that fosters a safe, supportive learning environment while minimizing distractions and risky behavior. Here are five guidelines to consider.

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  • Tackling Tough Social Media Conversations: 3 Common Issues and How To Address Them

    Young student using cell phone device discreetly while teacher is presenting

    Social media and the mobile devices used to access those apps have a pervasive pull on adolescents and teens, even when they’re supposed to be studying or socializing “IRL” at school. As a result, educators may be the first to notice social media- and device-related issues that need to be addressed with caregivers. Those can be tough conversations — it’s easy to feel as though addressing a student’s social media and device use could feel out of bounds.

    However, when a situation is affecting students’ physical or mental wellness, it becomes vital for an empathetic educator to start a dialogue with their family. In any conversation, take care to open by expressing concern (rather than blame or criticism), underscore the reasons social media can be beneficial to youth and emphasize your desire to work on solutions together. Listening is critical.

    Here are three potentially sticky situations involving social media and devices for which you might want to initiate this dialogue, along with ideas for how to frame the conversation.

    Note: Schools and districts likely have their own policies for how to handle student issues involving social media and devices. We intend for these examples to provide additional best practices to validate or enhance your own approach.

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