
  • How SEL Can Help Autistic Students Tackle Common Classroom Challenges

    by Shelley Hughes, OTR and Director, Portfolio Management and Delivery - Healthcare & Therapeutics, and Deb Grill, School Psychologist and Assessment Consultant for Pearson

    Close up of child not engaging in class work

    The education community has largely embraced the need for inclusive and supportive learning environments to help all children reach their potential. As diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) initiatives expand, we’ve seen schools broaden their definition of diversity to consider different races, cultures, gender identities, religions, abilities and much more.

    Another cohort that is increasingly being recognized under this DEIB umbrella is neurodiverse kids, whose brains function differently from those of neurotypical kids. Among this group are kids with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which includes about 1 in 36 children, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Autistic kids often need extra support in understanding and navigating social interactions.

    That’s where SEL can help. One of the most promising developments for today’s students is the implementation of social-emotional learning (SEL) in the classroom. A vast amount of research shows that an SEL-based curriculum brings positive outcomes for all students. SEL can be especially helpful when working with autistic students to strengthen their interpersonal skills and build independence.

    April brings National Autism Acceptance Month, making now an opportune time to think about how educators can use SEL to help all students — including autistic children — cultivate crucial life skills

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  • Taking an innovative approach to challenging COA translations

    A graphic map of Europe with Estonia, Finland, and Hungary highlighted

    Over the last ten years, the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition (Bayley-3), a leading developmental assessment for children ages 1–42 months, has been referenced as an endpoint in 145 clinical trials (Citeline, 2024). Of those, 6.21% have included sites in the Finno-Ugric countries of Estonia, Finland, and Hungary.

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  • The ripples and whirlpools of the brain

    by Torkel Klingberg, MD, PhD, Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience & Cogmed Founder

    Water drop and ripple

    It's early morning, the sun is barely rising, and your only desire is a cup of coffee to kickstart your day. As you head toward the kitchen, a fresh plan brewing in your mind, your phone buzzes and it’s an email from work! Could it be important? You decide to check. Turns out, it's only spam, so you quickly delete it and continue to the kitchen. But then you pause, your mind suddenly drawing a blank.

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  • What’s new with the WAIS-5?

    by Erin Gunelson MBA, Senior Product Manager

    Cheerful senior men playing chess together outdoor

    There’s a lot happening over here as we develop the new WAIS-5. We wanted to share our latest updates as we get closer to releasing this new assessment. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale®, Fifth Edition (WAIS®-5) is the most advanced psychometric measure of cognitive abilities and now it can be administered in less time. And that is not all! WAIS-5 also features updated norms, expanded clinical utility, and improved user experience.

    Check out the latest details on these enhancements, plus learn about five of the new subtests.

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  • Author Q&A with Drs. Brett and Bob Bruininks

    BOT-3 Authors: Brett D. Bruininks, PhD, Robert H. Bruininks, PhD

    Jump for joy! BOT-3 is coming soon!

    The Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency™, Third Edition (BOT™-3) is one of the most-anticipated product updates of the year, and we know you’ve got questions! We sat down with the BOT-3 authors, Drs. Brett and Bob Bruininks, to talk about customer- and research-led updates to this widely used motor skills assessment, and all the new features you can expect to see when it releases later this year.

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