
  • ADHD Virtual Summit

    ADHD Virtual Summit

    Registration Open Now

    June 25, 2024 - Pearson, the world's leading learning company, is excited to announce its 2024 ADHD Virtual Summit will take place on Tuesday, October 8, and Wednesday, October 9. Designed for clinical professionals and the wider ADHD community, the event features an international line-up of experts, the most pressing ADHD topics today, and the opportunity for clinicians to earn Continuing Education (CE) credits. Registration is open now.

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  • Addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion in test development

    People of different ethnic backgrounds in a group talking and laughing

    Pearson staff consider diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) throughout test planning/research planning, development, and revision process. There are both general and specific considerations for DE&I for any project that is being revised or developed. The general considerations for DE&I in clinical assessment development at Pearson will be summarized below, as well as specific considerations for the planning, initiation, content/item development, data collection, scoring and data analysis, and test manual writing phases. 

    This information is a summary of the complex process undergone by the Pearson staff to ensure that DE&I considerations are embedded within every phase of product planning and development. While this is by no means an exhaustive representation of our efforts, our staff is dedicated to continuing our learning and application of DE&I principles. 

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  • Everything you wanted to know about the BOT-3 but were NOT afraid to ask

    Two children and an adult dancing

    Q&A with BOT-3 Product Manager, Melinda Cooper

    The BOT™-3 is nearly ready to launch! You’ve asked such thoughtful questions about the new test, so we’ve assembled the most common ones, then grouped them by topic to make it easier for you to find the answers you’re seeking.

    Links to get more information about the BOT-3 , BOT-3 Brief, and budget-stretching bundling options can be found at the end of this Q&A. Please reach out to your assessment consultant if you have questions we have not covered here.

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  • The 2024 Research Call is open for submissions!

    Hiker with backpack facing water and mountains

    We are proud to announce the new Call for Research published by Pearson Clinical Assessment. Our goal is to ensure that Pearson assessments comply with the highest standards of quality and support research that investigates the validity or efficacy of our products. We are inviting United States-based faculty members, graduate students, and qualified researchers to submit their proposals no later than August 16, 2024.

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  • What are Fundamental Movement Skills and why do they matter for OTs and PTs?

    by Melinda Cooper, OT, MBA Product Manager

    A group of kids playing and jumping outside together

    If you're an occupational or physical therapist, you probably spend a lot of your day thinking, talking, and reading about motor skills. But have you ever come across the term “Fundamental Movement Skills”? Until recently, I hadn't, but it turns out there is a whole body of literature devoted to studying and discussing this construct that is, well, fundamental to children's ability to engage in play, recreation and activities of daily life. Sounds pretty relevant to what we do, right?

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  • How SEL Can Help Autistic Students Tackle Common Classroom Challenges

    by Shelley Hughes, OTR and Director, Portfolio Management and Delivery - Healthcare & Therapeutics, and Deb Grill, School Psychologist and Assessment Consultant for Pearson

    Close up of child not engaging in class work

    The education community has largely embraced the need for inclusive and supportive learning environments to help all children reach their potential. As diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) initiatives expand, we’ve seen schools broaden their definition of diversity to consider different races, cultures, gender identities, religions, abilities and much more.

    Another cohort that is increasingly being recognized under this DEIB umbrella is neurodiverse kids, whose brains function differently from those of neurotypical kids. Among this group are kids with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which includes about 1 in 36 children, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Autistic kids often need extra support in understanding and navigating social interactions.

    That’s where SEL can help. One of the most promising developments for today’s students is the implementation of social-emotional learning (SEL) in the classroom. A vast amount of research shows that an SEL-based curriculum brings positive outcomes for all students. SEL can be especially helpful when working with autistic students to strengthen their interpersonal skills and build independence.

    April brings National Autism Acceptance Month, making now an opportune time to think about how educators can use SEL to help all students — including autistic children — cultivate crucial life skills

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