Group Mathematics Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation

GMADE provides educators with a diagnostic, group-administered test that measures core math skills in the areas of concepts and communication, operations and computation, and process and application for children, adolescents, and adults. An online edition is available starting at Grade 2, and the GMADE Resource Library provides reproducible activities and worksheets that reinforce critical math skills and help provide targeted instructional interventions—linked to the assessment—at any level. GMADE and GMADE Online are the most current versions of GMADE. See our Guidance on using this assessment remotely.

Effective 7/31/24, Pearson is retiring the GMADE. Print materials are available while supplies last. Please contact us for other assessment options!

View all tests and materials
Building Math Success Complete Set (Print)
0785440267 Qualification Level B




Age range:
GMADE Online: Grades 2-12, Adult; GMADE: K-12, Adult
Stanines, Percentiles, Grade Equivalents, Age Equivalents, Standard Scores, Norm Curve Equivalents, and Growth Scale Values
Qualification level:


Completion time:
50-90 minutes
GMADE Online: Online; GMADE: Full Battery, Paper/Pencil

GMADE Online: 10 Levels with two parallel forms for each level; GMADE: 7 Levels with two parallel forms for each level

Scoring options:
GMADE Online: Online Scoring and Reporting; GMADE: Hand Scoring

Norm-Referenced Fall and Spring, Grade-based
Guidance on using this test in your telepractice


License Window Use of Purchase is the School Year (8/1 - 7/31). All licenses expire on 7/31 each school calendar year. Licenses DO NOT ROLL OVER.

Returning GMADE customers

Items and Pricing

Log in to place your order on your CAP Assessment Platform account.

Login to CAP Assessment Platform

First time GMADE customers

Items and Pricing

A minimum order charge of $300.00 is required if you are purchasing this online product for the first time. Submit a request to place your order and set up your CAP online testing account.

Request your CAP Assessment Platform testing account

One price per student subscription, per school year for unlimited ONLINE forms.

The per student license subscription enables you to test the same student as many times as needed during the school year (between August 1 and July 31).

Contact us for details: +1 (800) 328-5999.


Product Details

GMADE and GMADE Online help determine which developmental reading skills students have mastered and where they need instruction or intervention.


  • Determine placement of students, analyze strengths and weaknesses, plan instruction, monitor growth from grade to grade, help with post-secondary educational planning, and more.
  • Save time through whole group administration and automated scoring.
  • Communicate assessment data in a variety of meaningful ways with two group reports and one individual student report.
  • Move through the assessment cycle easily and quickly to show progress using related products that provide focused instruction.
  • Aid in guiding instruction to ensure student success while helping deliver Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) gains.
  • Use as part of an RTI program to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses for struggling students.


GMADE Online assesses core skills in the following three areas: Concepts and Communication, Operations and Computation, Process and Application.

  • Each subtest contains questions or items designed to measure specific skills that are developmentally appropriate for that level.
  • As GMADE tests progress, each measures sequentially more challenging skills appropriate to the specific levels.
  • GMADE Math Resource Library provides numerous reproducible activities and worksheets to reinforce critical math skills and help establish a direct link from test results to intervention.
  • Professional development courses are available to help make the GMADE assessment more meaningful to every teacher.

Sample Reports

GMADE and GMADE Online flexible reporting capabilities give teachers a detailed analysis at the individual and classroom level.

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Pearson Assessment for Learning Suite

The Pearson Assessment for Learning Suite is a category of K-12 assessments that support educators, caregivers, and students in improving their educational outcomes.

Learn more


The following resources are available for GMADE.


The following resources are available for GMADE Online.



When will GRADE/GMADE retire?

Effective July 31, 2024, Pearson is discontinuing the sale of GRADE and GMADE assessments. You can keep using GRADE and GMADE for the rest of this school year and we'll support you all the way up to July 31. Before this takes place, we recommend transitioning to aimswebPlus™ , which offers evaluation and progress monitoring of your students’ core math and reading skills on one platform and is accessible from any web-enabled device.

I received a letter stating that all GRADE/GMADE content had been moved to aimswebPlus™. Does that mean I can continue testing GRADE/GMADE if I buy aimswebPlus?

No; the GRADE/GMADE content has been provided to the aimswebPlus team, but this does not mean all GRADE/GMADE content has been selected for use or added to live edition of aimswebPlus. Additionally, content from GRADE/GMADE that has been added to aimswebPlus is not distinguishable or labeled as GRADE/GMADE.

What will happen to my data?

Customers who do not transition for the 24-25 school year will have 90 days after 8/1 to export their data before it is purged. Once the purge happens, data sets are NOT retrievable.