
  • Learning Recovery: What Cohorts are Most Affected and How Can Educators Close the Gap?

    by Kristina Breaux, PhD, Principal Research Director, Education Portfolio

    Little girls having fun painting

    As schools grapple with the after-effects of the pandemic, they’re focused on potential learning gaps, especially among certain demographics. It’s an issue they’re eager to address, and one that has captured our focus at Pearson. As a licensed special educator, learning disabilities specialist, researcher and published author, I have extensive experience teaching students but also conducting assessments, and my team at Pearson is seeing the effects of learning loss up close.

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  • A firsthand view: Inspiring ways to close the resource gap at underserved schools

    by Sandra Juarez, Assessment Consultant, Pearson

    Classroom of diverse students taking objective testing in school

    Data shows us that underserved schools are facing more significant shortfalls in both staffing and funding when compared with more affluent peer districts. A report from found that states’ highest-poverty districts spend 17% below estimated adequate levels. In addition, Black/African-American and Hispanic/Latinx students are twice as likely as white students to attend underfunded schools. This means educators in underserved areas must do more with fewer resources.

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