K-12 Education
Our top tools for educators, students, and caregivers — all in one place
According to the report posted by Mental Health America (MHA), 16.39% of youth ages 12–17 reported at least one major depressive episode in 2022, an 18% increase from 20212. Professionals in education are feeling the effects of the mental health crisis as well, many finding themselves needing to support more struggling students than ever — with fewer resources at their disposal. To help ensure you have tools you need at your disposal, we have assembled our top mental health screeners and assessments for students, pertinent and timely resources for school professionals and caregivers, plus insightful blogs and articles written by experts in their field.
2. The State of Mental Health in America, Mental Health America.

Conversation Starters: How to Talk with Caregivers About Kids and Social Media
Educators can help parents understand the risks of social media on their kids’ mental health and the best ways to discuss the topic with their kids.

5 Ways to Build Bridges with Parents
Get tips for improving communication with parents and guardians to help support your students’ well-being.

Resource Guide for Educators
Your Resource Guide includes helpful tips from others in your field and guidance on choosing the right tools for your setting. Learn more about our assessments and other resources for supporting educators!

K–12 Mental Health by the Numbers
See the results of our recent survey and read what educators had to say about the state of mental health in their schools.

Calming the Storm: 5 Tips to Help Caregivers Tame Back-to-School Anxiety
Everyone gets the back-to-school jitters —even educators. Get five tips for soothing worried students.

Balancing Act: Ideas for Setting Social Media Boundaries
School psychologists are aware of the toll social media can take on students’ mental health, but how much guidance is too much? Get conversation tips to help caregivers set healthy boundaries.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Bridges with Parents
While some conversations with caregivers are not easy, we’ve got some pointers on opening the lines of communication between school and home.

Sharing the Mental Load: 4 Ways Educator Moms and Caregivers Can Avoid Burnout
School Psychologist and Assessment Consultant, Liz Grose, shares ways she stays on top of her never-ending to-do list and compartmentalizes her various responsibilities.
Series: Mental Health and Autism
This webinar series is a continuation of our commitment to educators, and the individuals they support in the areas of mental health, autism, and social emotional learning.
Screening the Whole Child
Learn how to analyze the results from universal screening and use this information to guide instruction and support for all students.
Anxiety Disorder Look-Alikes: Understanding Symptoms of Anxiety
This webinar discusses the best assessment practices to help parse out some of the anxiety look-alike conditions that can make identification and treatment planning more difficult.
Meet the Pearson K–12 clinical education mental health team

Selina Oliver, NCSP
Senior Clinical Assessment Consultant, Pearson
Selina holds an MA and CAS in School Psychology from Towson University (MD), where she has served as an adjunct professor in the field of School Psychology. As an Assessment Consultant for Pearson Clinical Assessments, Ms. Oliver provides consultation and education regarding a wide variety of assessment and intervention needs for school-based clinicians and educators. In addition, she has presented on our “Anxiety Disorder Look-Alikes: Understanding Symptoms of Anxiety” webinar, authored “Calming the storm: 5 tips to help caregivers tame back-to-school anxiety”, as well as contributed to the Industry Report on K-12 Mental Health.

Kathleen Woodward, EdS, NCSP
Regional Sales Manager, Pearson
Kathleen Woodward, EdS, NCSP is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist with an extensive clinical background in counseling and school psychology as well as a wealth of experience consulting with large school districts and healthcare systems throughout the US and Canada. She brings experience in district-wide policy and procedural development of RTI/MTSS implementation, early childhood and behavioral program planning, substance abuse intervention programs, and threat assessment coupled with expertise in psychological and psychoeducational assessment. Ms. Woodward was co-presenter in a recent webinar, “Addressing the Mental Health Crisis".

Theo Miron, School Psychologist
Clinical Assessment Consultant, Pearson
Theo Miron, Psy.S., NCSP is an Assessment Consultant with Pearson and both a Nationally Certified School Psychologist and licensed school psychologist in the state of Texas. He earned his bachelor’s degree in psychology from St. John’s University (MN) and his specialist degree in school psychology from Minnesota State University Moorhead. Mr. Miron spent over 18 years working as a school psychologist in the public schools of AZ and TX. He is also licensed foster care provider in Texas and has enjoyed volunteering for Special Olympics. As an Assessment Consultant, he consults with school districts across the northwestern U.S. on topics of psychological and psycho-educational assessment. You can see him featured in the blog “Balancing Act: A School Psychologist and Parent Shares Ideas for Setting Social Media Guidelines”, as well as the guidebook “How to Talk to Caregivers About Kids and Social Media”.

Deb Grill, MA
Clinical Assessment Consultant, Pearson
Deborah Grill is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist and a North Carolina Certified School Psychologist. She earned her MA and CAGS in School Psychology at Towson University in Maryland. Deborah has served as a school psychologist in Pennsylvania and North Carolina, as well as working in the community mental health field as an outpatient therapist and department director while in Pennsylvania. Deborah currently utilizes her knowledge and experience to collaborate with districts, ensuring their assessment needs are optimized. Ms. Grill is featured in the playbook “5 Ways to Build Bridges with Parents”.

Chris Huzinec, MA, MS
Senior Educational Consultant, Pearson
Chris Huzinec is an educational researcher, evaluator, and consultant with over 30 years of practical experience in public education. Chris was employed by the Houston ISD’s Department of Research and Accountability for 15 years as the Manager of the Program Evaluation and Performance Analysis Bureaus. He has produced publications and presented in the areas of Early Childhood Education, student behavior, SEL, ADHD, and Special Education. Mr. Huzinec is featured in the “Mental Health Spotlight” by Education Week and also co-presented on the webinar “Screening the Whole Child: Identifying Strength Based Competencies and Mental Health Needs”.