Screening the Whole Child: Identifying Strength Based Competencies and Mental Health Needs Webinar (Recording)

Presenter(s): Dr. Daniella Maglione, NCSP, Chris Huzinec, M.S, M.A.

This webinar will promote the social-emotional and behavioral well-being of the whole child. It will help provide educators with information, data and "best practices" to guide planning decisions.

This webinar will promote the social-emotional and behavioral well-being of the whole child. It will help provide educators with information, data and "best practices" to guide planning decisions. Presenters will discuss planning for positive outcomes including educators collecting information from teachers, caregivers and whenever possible, students self-reporting to identify strength-based competencies, as well as areas in need of support. Participants will be able to analyze the results from universal screening and use this information to guide instruction and support for all students.


Screening the Whole Child: Identifying Strength Based Competencies and Mental Health Needs Webinar (Recording)
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