Building Students' Resiliency Through Resilience-Enabling Social Emotional Learning Skills Webinar (Recording)

Presenter(s): Chris Huzinec and Daniella Maglione-Bashner

Your students may have adverse experiences that affect their learning and their behavioral and mental wellbeing. You can help through teaching resiliency. We'll examine a subset of SEL skills that contribute to resiliency and provide strategies to assess and intervene.

As their teacher, you’re aware of the adverse experiences of your students and the toll it has on their learning, and naturally you want to support their behavioral and mental wellbeing. One way is through resiliency, an essential characteristic that helps combat adversity, development of an adaptable outlook to emerge from challenging experiences. This session examines a subset of SEL skills which contribute to resiliency in students with strategies to assess and support tools for intervention.


Building Students' Resiliency Through Resilience-Enabling Social Emotional Learning Skills Webinar
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