Student Evaluation Complete.... Now What?: School-based Interventions for ADHD Webinar (Recording)

Presenter(s): Chris Huzinec

Now that you have evaluated and confirmed a student's ADHD diagnosis, what's next? What strategies, interventions, and supports are available to help you intervene in school? This webinar will highlight these and discuss their related integration within overall school practices.

So your client or student has been diagnosed with ADHD. Now what? Designed to answer “what’s next?”, this is a follow-up series to the webinar ADHD: from Assessment to Intervention from spring 2019, and will focus on intervention strategies that can be implemented across various settings. Now that you have evaluated a child and diagnosed ADHD, what do you do? What strategies, interventions, and supports are available to help you intervene in school?

In this intermediate webinar, we will discuss:

  • Behavioral classroom supports and strategies
  • Using SEL instruction
  • Addressing deficits in executive functions
  • Supports and interventions for ADHD that can be integrated within overall school practices through academic supports and accommodations*
    These supports are strengthened by aligning with medication treatment and involving parents
  • Assessments that can be used to monitor progress and evaluate school-based interventions
  • Best practices in school-based strategies and supports


Student ADHD evaluation what? School-based interventions for ADHD
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