New Brown Executive Function/Attention Scales: Theory and Clinical Applications for Assessing ADHD Webinar (Recording)

This webinar will describe how the renormed EF/A scales move beyond current DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for ADHD to elicit important information about six critical executive functions that underlie symptoms of ADHD and related problems.  

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Presenter: Thomas E. Brown, PhD

This webinar presented by Dr. Thomas E. Brown, author of these new updated and re-normed EF/A scales, will describe how these scales move beyond current DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for ADHD to elicit important information about six critical executive functions that underlie symptoms of ADHD and related problems. Discussion will describe how these age-normed scales can be used to screen easily for possible ADHD impairments and as a valuable instrument for use in clinical assessment and monitoring of treatment for children, teenagers and adults with ADHD-related impairments.


New Brown Executive Function/Attention Scales: Theory and Clinical Applications for Assessing ADHD
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