Teleneuropsychology and the Return to "Normal" Clinical Practice Webinar (Recording)

Presenter(s): C. Munro Cullum, PhD, ABPP

This one-hour webinar will provide an overview of the evidence supporting teleNP and models for teleNP practice in the context of current events. Methods, procedures, and “tips” for how we begin to return to “normal” neuropsychological practice will be discussed. Bring your questions as there will be time for Q&A.  

Current global events have brought about a need for telehealth services, with significant implications for psychology and neuropsychology, leading practitioners into this service model. Teleneuropsychological (teleNP) assessment has been shown to be a viable means of remote cognitive functioning evaluation, with research supporting its feasibility, reliability, and validity.

This one-hour webinar will provide an overview of the evidence supporting teleNP and models for teleNP practice in the context of current events. Methods, procedures, and “tips” for how we begin to return to “normal” neuropsychological practice will be discussed. Bring your questions as there will be time for Q&A.


Teleneuropsychology and the Return to
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