Strive Forward! Using Behavioral Screening Data to Guide Student Reintegration Webinar (Recording)

Presenter(s): Adam Bauserman, Debbie Wright, Chris Huzinec

As educators reengage with students, information about their behavioral strengths and areas of need play an important role in the decision-making process used with an MTSS framework. This presentation examines how using self-report behavioral screening allows students to convey the impact of this crisis has on their emotions, behaviors, and mental health. It then discusses how a large school district used this information to guide a well-supported reintegration.  

Universal behavioral screening can be used to facilitate the identification of behavioral, emotional, and mental health issues that will need to be supported as students re-engage. A meaningful and available source of this information is student self-report behavioral measures (Dowdy, et al. 2015). Using the perspective of students provides a window into how they view the impact that separation from school and the current traumatic experiences has had on their own emotions and behaviors. Such input from students will help to identify their areas of need as well as their areas of strengths which will be useful in striving forward.

This webinar is a collaboration between Denver Public schools and Pearson to examine how the district used Review360, a web-enabled Universal Behavioral Screener, to provide their students a means to report the impact that school separation and the current crisis has on their emotions, behaviors, and mental state. In order to chronicle the progress of students and the effectiveness of the reengagement process in their return to school, additional behavioral screening data will be collected during the fall of 2020 and compared to the spring 2020 data.

This webinar will serve to:

  • Highlight the needs of specific student groups, specifically students with disabilities, who tend to have more difficulty with the social and emotional aspects of transitioning in and out of a school setting.
  • Describe how data and information from student self-reports are used to guide district reintegration planning and support “best practices” like collaborative instruction and co-teaching within a MTSS framework.
  • Detail how this student data is applied to the selection of both general supports and individualized interventions.
  • Discuss the challenges and barriers faced in the process of striving forward as well as identifying the key solutions and practices used to guide reintegration.  


Strive Forward! Using Behavioral Screening Data to Guide Student Reintegration Webinar (Recording)
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