Overview of GFTA-3 Spanish Administration, Scoring and Interpretation Webinar (Recording)

This webinar, presented in English, provides a review of administration and scoring of the Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation, 3rd Edition Spanish (GFTA-3 Spanish) as well as an overview of the research base and psychometric characteristics of the GFTA-3 Spanish.

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Presenter: Marie Sepulveda, MA CCC-SLP

This webinar provides a review of administration and scoring of the Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation, 3rd Edition Spanish (GFTA-3 Spanish) as well as an overview of the research base and psychometric characteristics of the GFTA-3 Spanish. Discussion includes developmental considerations when interpreting GFTA-3 Spanish results. This webinar is presented in English.


Overview of GFTA-3 Spanish Administration, Scoring and Interpretation
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