Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices


Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices™ (APM) measures high-level observation skills, clear thinking ability, and intellectual capacity as a non-verbal estimate of abstract reasoning or fluid intelligence.

Choose from our products

  • Kits

    Starter & complete kits, print & digital

    2 options

    from $333.50
  • Test forms & reports

    Booklets, record forms, answer sheets, report usages & subscriptions

    6 options

    from $43.60
  • Support materials

    Manuals, stimulus books, replacement items & other materials

    4 options

    from $40.60
  • All products

    All tests & materials offered for APM

    12 options

    from $40.60
- of 12 results
  • Ravens APM Exam Kit Sets 1 & 2 (Print)
    0154686786 Qualification Level B

    Includes Test Booklet 1, Test Booklet 2, Answer Documents, Answer Key, Manual Section 1 General Overview (1998 Edition, Updated 2003), Manual Section 4 Advanced Progressive Matrices


  • Ravens Kit (Print)
    0158686195 Qualification Level B

    Includes two each of the Coloured, Standard, and Advanced (I and II) Test Booklets; 50 handscore Answer Documents and Keys for each level; and Comprehensive Technical Manual (1998) with Research Supplement 3 (2000)


  • Ravens APM Ed/Occ Booklet Set 1 Qty 1 (Print)
    0154686220 Qualification Level B


  • Ravens APM Ed/Occ Booklets Set 1 Qty 10 (Print)
    0158686225 Qualification Level B


    Estimated to ship:6 weeks
  • Ravens APM Ed/Occ Booklet Set 2 Qty 1 (Print)
    0154686239 Qualification Level B


  • Ravens APM Ed/Occ Booklets Set 2 Qty 10 (Print)
    0158686233 Qualification Level B


    Estimated to ship:6 weeks
  • Ravens APM Answer Sheet Sets 1 & 2 Qty 50 (Print)
    0158686292 Qualification Level B


  • Ravens APM Classic Easy Score Answer Sheets Qty 10 (Print)
    0158338375 Qualification Level B


  • Ravens APM Answer Key (Print)
    0158686381 Qualification Level B


  • Ravens Section 1 Overview 1998 Edition (Print)
    0158686438 Qualification Level B

    Includes essential information for all Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales


  • Ravens Section 4 APM 1998 Edition (Print)
    0158686535 Qualification Level B


  • Ravens Section 7 Research 1995 Edition (Print)
    0158686586 Qualification Level B

    Includes summaries for each of the tests, all normative, reliability and validity studies



Age range:

12:0-16:0, 17:0 years and older


Summary and detailed percentiles

Completion time:

Untimed, individual or group: 40-60 minutes




Classic Version

Scoring options:

Manual Scoring

Product Details

The Raven’s APM produces a single raw score as well as percentile rank to indicate the educative ability or the ability to make sense of complex situations, compared to a norm group.


  • Use in a variety of settings, such as testing culturally diverse populations where English proficiency varies.
  • Identify giftedness and predict educational success.
  • Untimed administration: differentiate between people at the high end of intellectual ability with more difficult items that fall within the top 20 percent of the population.
  • Timed administration: assess intellectual efficiency.


Raven’s Progressive Matrices is available in a variety of pre-packaged kits. Customers can purchase specific coloured, standard, or advanced kits or a complete kit containing all three versions. These kits include:

  • Answer forms: These are double page forms that transfer answers from the front page directly to a back page designed to translate responses into scores.
  • Test Booklets: Each version of the Raven’s Progressive Matrices is administered by use of a booklet containing the version specific matrices. Booklets can be purchased individually or in packages of ten for group administration.
  • Manuals: These explain how to administer and interpret the test, and also contain research and technical information.
  • Scoring Keys: Answer forms have eliminated the need for scoring keys in most situations. If you still have large numbers of hand-scorable answer forms, or several of the versions we have not yet revised, the scoring keys are listed with the appropriate answer form.


The following resource is available for Raven’s APM.