Nancy Mather

Dr. Nancy Mather is an Associate Professor at the University of Arizona in Tucson in the Department of Special Education, Rehabilitation, and School Psychology.

She specializes in the areas of assessment, reading, writing, and learning disabilities. She received her doctorate from the University of Arizona in 1985 in learning disabilities with minor areas of study in reading and school psychology. Other professional interest include adapting special education strategies to help general education teachers accommodate student diversity.

In addition, she is a co-author of the Woodcock-Johnson III and conducts research and training in its use. She has presented widely both nationally and internationally on assessment, instruction, and issues that affect service delivery for individuals with learning disabilities. Dr. Mather has written numerous articles and several books. She has co-authored with Dr. Sam Goldstein a book for parents entitled: "Overcoming Underachieving: An Action Guide for Helping Your Child Succeed in School" (Wiley, 1998) and a book for educators entitled: "Learning Disabilities and Challenging Behaviors: A Guide to Intervention and Classroom Management" (Paul Brookes, 2001). Most recently, she has co-authored with Dr. Lynne Jaffe, Woodcock-Johnson III: "Reports, recommendations, and strategies", a book designed to help educators translate assessment results into meaningful instructional plans.