SSIS SEL Brief Scales Introduces TWO New Mental Health Multi-Informant Universal Screening Assessments Webinar (Recording)

Presenter(s): Doug Maraffa, Sr Client Program Manager, Katherine Canon, VP, Client Success Resonant Education

Our hosts will provide a brief overview of the SSIS™ SEL with a preview of the two new assessments, SSIS SEL Brief + Mental Health Scales.

Get a closer look at your students’ social-emotional learning skills and mental health. These norm-referenced brief assessments can be completed by a teacher, parent, or student!

The SSIS SEL Brief Scales and the SSIS SEL Brief + Mental Health Scales are offered in English and Spanish through Review360® and can be administered individually or to a group of students in mere minutes.

Three key takeaways:

  1. Learn more about SSIS SEL on Review360 and how it can identify and support your students' emotional behavioral concerns and social-emotional needs.
  2. Learn how Screening and Assessment can guide intervention for personalized planning
  3. Learn how Progress Monitoring and Diagnostic Assessment can be used to evaluate performance on each social-emotional skill and related competency, (Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, Responsible Decision-Making) and assess overall student outcomes


SSIS SEL Brief Scales Introduces TWO New Mental Health Multi-Informant Universal Screening Assessments Webinar (Recording)
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