Considerations in Conducting Developmental Assessments Using the Bayley-4 Webinar (Recording)

Presenter(s): Gloria Maccow, Ph.D

Using multiple methods and collecting information from multiple sources are considered best practice when assessing infants and toddlers to identify developmental delay. When the assessment includes standardized tests, it is important to consider how early development and behaviors of young children can impact their performance, especially on structured tasks.

Using multiple methods and collecting information from multiple sources are considered best practice when assessing infants and toddlers to identify developmental delay. The Bayley-4 includes tasks that enable you to collect information from observations of the child, elicited behaviors in structured tasks, and responses to caregiver questions asked during the test administration. The unique characteristics of early development and behaviors of infants and toddlers informed development of these interrelated assessment methods on the Bayley-4.

In this intermediate-level session, the presenter will identify features of infant-toddler assessments that facilitate efficient administration, produce valid results, and allow clinicians to accurately describe the child’s developmental strengths and needs.


Considerations in Conducting Developmental Assessments Using the Bayley-4 Webinar (Recording)
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