Teaching Remote Assessment Panel Webinar (Recording)

Presenter(s): Gail Rodin, PhD, Julia Blodgett, PhD, Gene Cash, PhD, Sarah Valley-Gray, PhD, Nathan Roth, PhD, Pat Moran, PhD

Please join us for a panel discussion featuring four of your university colleagues who have forged ahead in the new world of remote assessment instruction, as they share their challenges and their successes and respond to your questions about tele-instruction and telepractice.

For many psychology graduate programs, the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the normal flow of assessment training. How do we teach assessment of cognitive ability, academic achievement, and neuropsychological processes remotely? How do our students gain the necessary experience to master test administration, be it face-to-face or remote? Please join us for a panel discussion featuring four of your university colleagues who have forged ahead in the new world of remote assessment instruction, as they share their challenges and their successes and respond to your questions about tele-instruction and telepractice.


Teaching Remote Assessment Panel Webinar (Recording)
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