Evaluation and Diagnosis of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in the Schools Under the BASC-3 Model: Getting it right and getting to interventions that work! Webinar (Recording)

Students in special education with chronic and severe emotional and behavioral difficulties represent some of the most difficult students to instruct, yet research suggests that they are often under-identified and underserved. This training focuses on the development and application of a school-based model of assessment of emotional and behavioral disorders. This session addresses eligibility with an emphasis on developing an understanding of the student while obtaining a comprehensive diagnosis.  

Presenter(s): Cecil Reynolds, PhD

Students in special education with chronic and severe emotional and behavioral difficulties represent some of the most difficult students to instruct, yet research suggests that they are often under-identified and underserved. Focusing on the development and application of a school-based model of assessment of emotional and behavioral disorders, this session will address eligibility with an emphasis on developing an understanding of the student while obtaining a comprehensive diagnosis. This workshop is intended for those already familiar with the BASC-3.

Participants in this three-hour session will examine how differential diagnosis can guide the process of choosing evidence-based interventions tailored to the individual student’s needs. While the identification of EBD will be used as a model in this webinar, additional disorders will be discussed including Autism Spectrum Disorders. Bring your questions as there will be time for Q&A at the end of the session!

At the end of this session, participants will:

  1. Understand the applicability of the BASC-3 to classification of students as ED
  2. Understand the derivation and application of the BASC-3 probability indexes
  3. Apply the various components of the BASC-3 to differential diagnoses consistent with the DSM-5
  4. Understand and apply the BASC-3 links to evidence-based intervention materials suitable for use in school settings


Evaluation and Diagnosis of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in the Schools Under the BASC-3 Model: Getting it right and getting to interventions that work! Webinar (Recording)
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