Activity Measure for Post Acute Care (AM-PAC®) Webinar (Recording)

Presenter(s): Alan M. Jette, PT, PhD, Shelley Hughes

Watch this in-depth overview of the Activity Measure for Post Acute Care (AM-PAC), also known as “6 Clicks.” After this video, you will be able to understand the administration, interpretation and practical use of AM-PAC. You will also learn about the new low function forms and how this measure can fit into your organization.

Watch this in-depth overview of the Activity Measure for Post Acute Care (AM-PAC), also known as “6 Clicks.” This patient reported outcome measure covers daily activities, mobility and cognition. After this video, you will be able to understand the administration, interpretation and practical use of AM-PAC. You will also learn about the new low function forms and how this measure can fit into your organization.

Explore AM-PAC


Activity Measure for Post Acute Care (AM-PAC®) Webinar (Recording)
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