Assessment Practices within MTSS Systems to Improve Students’ SEL Skills Webinar (Recording)

Prevention, positive behavior support, and response-to-intervention initiatives are in many schools today as central parts of a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) designed to improve the social and academic lives of all students and help create positive school culture. Effective MTSS management is predicated on (a) systematically identifying students’ needs, (b) using assessment data to guide decisions about the selection of effective strategies to improve student behavior and/or achievement, (c) implementing effective interventions, and (d) evaluating student progress and intervention outcomes. This session focuses on SEL assessment practices that involve teachers and students within MTSS systems needed to make important decisions that enhance skills of students and improve the efficiency and quality of the MTSS outcomes.

Presenter: Stephen N. Ellot, PhD

Prevention, positive behavior support, and response-to-intervention initiatives are in many schools today as central parts of a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) designed to improve the social and academic lives of all students and help create positive school culture. Effective MTSS management is predicated on (a) systematically identifying students’ needs, (b) using assessment data to guide decisions about the selection of effective strategies to improve student behavior and/or achievement, (c) implementing effective interventions, and (d) evaluating student progress and intervention outcomes. This session focuses on SEL assessment practices that involve teachers and students within MTSS systems needed to make important decisions that enhance skills of students and improve the efficiency and quality of the MTSS outcomes.


Assessment Practices within MTSS Systems to Improve Students’ SEL Skills Webinar (Recording)
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