Screening and Intervening Early: Universal SEL in Elementary Schools Webinar (Recording)

This session will illustrate the value of the SSIS SEL screening assessments and Classwide Intervention Program for educators focused on realizing a triple positive impact – increased SEL skills, decreased problem behaviors, and increased achievement in reading – for all elementary children school-wide.

Presenter: Stephen N. Elliott, Ph.D.

Social emotional skills can play an influential role in the learning lives of all children, but especially elementary students who are developing cognitive and emotional skills needed to learn and solve academic and social problems. Thus, identifying and teaching early in the school year the SEL skills students need to be successful at school and in their communities is very important. This session will illustrate the value of the SSIS SEL screening assessments and Classwide Intervention Program for educators focused on realizing a triple positive impact – increased SEL skills, decreased problem behaviors, and increased achievement in reading – for all elementary children school-wide.


Screening and Intervening Early: Universal SEL in Elementary Schools
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