Case Studies in Dyslexia Diagnosis Webinar (Recording)

Dyslexia diagnosis can be complex — it requires careful consideration of the causes, risk factors, correlates, and symptoms that contribute to a dyslexia diagnosis. This session will offer case studies that will help practitioners understand and evaluate factors that should be considered when diagnosing dyslexia, focusing on aspects based on empirical evidence and requiring clinical expertise.

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Dyslexia diagnosis can be complex--it requires careful consideration of the causes, risk factors, correlates, and symptoms that contribute to a dyslexia diagnosis. This session will offer case studies that will help practitioners understand and evaluate factors that should be considered when diagnosing dyslexia, focusing on aspects based on empirical evidence and requiring clinical expertise.

Learner Outcomes

After the completion of the webinar, participants will be able to:

  1. List three common characteristics of dyslexia.
  2. Describe two different profiles of dyslexia strengths and weaknesses.
  3. Name one key differentiator when ruling out dyslexia as contributing to a student's reading difficulties.  


Case Studies in Dyslexia Diagnosis
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