Unfolding Origami: Considering Differential Diagnoses for Dyslexia Evaluations Webinar (Recording)

The course "Unfolding Origami: Considering Differential Diagnoses for Dyslexia Evaluations" will provide participants with a framework for conducting a thorough evaluation of dyslexia. The focus is given to common characteristics of dyslexia, common co-morbidities, and suggestions for how to unravel the diagnostic puzzle.

Presenter: Adam Scheller, PhD and Kristen Breaux, PhD

The course "Unfolding Origami: Considering Differential Diagnoses for Dyslexia Evaluations" will provide participants with a framework for conducting a thorough evaluation of Dyslexia. The focus is given to common characteristics of Dyslexia, common co-morbidities, and suggestions for how to unravel the diagnostic puzzle.


Unfolding Origami: Considering Differential Diagnoses for Dyslexia Evaluations
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