Using the BASC-3 Student Self-Report of Personality for the identification of at-risk college students Webinar (Recording)

This webinar cover all aspects of the BASC-3 SRP - uses, administration and scoring, reliability, validity, other research, and case studies.  

Presenter(s): Randy Kamphaus, PhD

The BASC-3 Student Self-Report of Personality - College Form (SRP College) is a practical and insightful tool for use in community college, college or university, or ALL clients between 18 and 25 years of age. The SRP College is useful for disability evaluations required for accessing campus services, youngsters transitioning in or out of post-secondary education, or community practitioners who need a thorough evaluation of the behavioral and emotional adjustment and adaptive skills of young adults.

With the ease of use and user-friendliness typical of the BASC-3 system, examiners are better able to have positive assessment experiences that produce a wide range of assessment information in a relatively brief period of time (30-45 minutes), including information about Depression, Attention Problems, Alcohol Use, School Adjustment, Resilience, Social Maladjustment, and many other important areas of functioning. Utility of the SRP College is supported by numerous reliability and validity students and clinical experience.

This webinar cover all aspects of the SRP - uses, administration and scoring, reliability, validity, other research, and case studies.


Using the BASC-3 Student Self-Report of Personality for the identification of at-risk college students
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