Improving the Efficacy of SEL school-based Implementations: The SSIS SEL on Review360 Webinar (Recording)

This presentation discusses how using the web-based platform Review360, facilitates the process of SSIS SEL administration and reporting in better support school based implementations.  

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Presenter: Chris Huzinec, MS, Sydney Herndon

The SSIS SEL is a comprehensive Social Emotional Learning program that includes the components needed to Screen, Assess, Intervene, and Monitor students as they develop their SEL competencies. By aligning screening and assessment components with interventions, the SSIS SEL, educators can identify all students’ SEL needs, guide classroom intervention planning, and monitor both student progress and intervention effectiveness. To make these decision-making processes meaningful, the data collected through the SSIS SEL system needs to be available, accessible, and reported in a usable way.

This presentation discusses how using the web-based platform Review360, facilitates the process of SSIS SEL administration and reporting in better support school based implementations. We discuss how Review360 can support using the SSIS SEL with larger groups of students by providing data in real time and by organizing, aggregating, and disaggregating student results at the school, grade, classroom, and individual student levels as well as by specific student groups (ethnicity, gender, at-risk….). We will also discuss how Review360 can be used in screening, progress monitoring, and evaluating outcomes as well as identifying students for more individualized support.  


Improving the Efficacy of SEL school-based Implementations: The SSIS SEL on Review360
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