Improving Students Relationship and Responsible Decision Making Skills with the SSIS SEL Classwide Intervention Program Webinar (Recording)

This session will focus on specific clusters of Relationship Skills and Responsible Decision Making and illustrate how these can be efficiently assessed and effectively taught to students ages 8 to 12 years or upper elementary and early middle school years.

Presenter: Stephen N. Elliott, PhD

Two of the most important social emotional learning competencies are Relationship Skills and Responsible Decision Making Skills. These competence domains are two of the five featured within CASEL SEL competency model and are measured with the SSIS SEL Edition assessments and directly taught in the Classwide Intervention Program (CIP). This session will focus on specific clusters of Relationship Skills and Responsible Decision Making and illustrate how these can be efficiently assessed and effectively taught to students ages 8 to 12 years or upper elementary and early middle school years.


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