Creating a Multi-Tiered SSIS SEL Support System that is Responsive to All Students Webinar (Recording)

The SSIS SEL Edition assessments and Classwide Intervention Program (CIP) fit within most any multi-tiered support system in both elementary and secondary schools, are culturally responsive, and highly consistent with the CASEL SEL competency framework

Presenter: Stephen N. Elliott, PhD

Multi-tiered systems to support students’ development of core social emotional learning (SEL) skills are most effective when assessment and intervention components are integrated to produce frequent data-based feedback to users and system-wide accountability. The SSIS SEL Edition assessments and highly flexible Classwide Intervention Program (CIP) offers users a powerful set of tools that fit within most any multi-tiered support system in both elementary and secondary schools, is culturally responsive, is highly consistent with the CASEL SEL competency framework, and is a S.A.F.E. intervention.


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