Creating Brief SEL Competency-Focused Interventions with the SSIS SEL CIP Webinar (Recording)
This webinar illustrates how the CIP can be conceptualized as a set of brief interventions that focus on an SEL competency area, such as Social Awareness Skills , Self-Management Skills, Relationship Skills or Responsible Decision Making Skills.
Presenter: Stephen N. Elliott, Ph.D.
During this webinar, Dr. Elliott will show how the CIP can be conceptualized as a set of brief (3 to 6 week) interventions that focus on an SEL competency area, such as Social Awareness Skills (3 Skill Units), Self-Management Skills (6 skill units), Relationship Skills (6 skill units) or Responsible Decision Making Skills (5 skill units). Dr. Elliott will also show how the Screening/Progress Monitoring System could be abbreviated as well to only assess the area of interest or to assess a personalized subset of SEL competencies and academic skill. These brief SSIS SEL competency-focused interventions can facilitate Tier 2, Tier 3, and Special Education services for students with identified skill performance or acquisition deficits and need more intensive support to improve their social emotion skills.
Participants are encouraged to familiarize themselves with previous comprehensive SSIS SEL edition webinars on the new SEL assessments and Classwide Intervention Program (CIP) prior to this webinar on Brief Interventions. The previous webinar recordings can be viewed at your leisure via the link below.