Language Assessment in Early Childhood: CELF Preschool-2 and PLS-5 Case Studies Webinar (Recording)

Presenter(s): Adam Scheller, PhD

During this webinar, participants will review best practice principles for early language assessment and learn how to choose between two widely-used comprehensive language batteries, the PLS-5 and CELF Preschool 2.

The assessment of a child's language during the preschool years can be complex, not only due to variability in skill development, but also because of the differences between school and early childhood service criteria. By choosing an appropriate assessment battery based on strengths of the instrument, an SLP is often able to overcome the issue of qualifying children with different functional communication levels. During this webinar, participants will review best practice principles for early language assessment and learn how to choose between two widely-used comprehensive language batteries, the PLS-5 and CELF Preschool 2. Examples and analysis of common pre-schooler profiles will be provided through case studies.


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