Conducting TBI Evaluations: Using Data from the NEPSY-II, CMS, and DKEFS Webinar (Recording)

During the 1.5 hour webinar, the presenter will discuss referral questions psychologists need to answer when conducting evaluations for a possible diagnosis of Traumatic Brain Injury.

Presenter: James A. Holdnack

If you conduct comprehensive psychological evaluations to evaluate loss of functioning secondary to a brain injury in child populations, this webinar will provide you with useful information. During the 1.5 hour webinar, the presenter will discuss referral questions psychologists need to answer when conducting evaluations for a possible diagnosis of Traumatic Brain Injury. Using a case approach, Dr. Holdnack will demonstrate how data from the NEPSY-II, the Children’s Memory Scale™, and the Delis Kaplan Executive Function Scales can help psychologists answer specific questions such as those related to memory, social cognition, and executive function.


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