Differential Ability Scales-II

The Differential Ability Scales™ (2nd ed., DAS™–II) is unique in that it goes beyond cognitive ability testing to give insight into how a child processes information. Developed for psychologists, this child-friendly test provides information that enables you to predict their likeliness to succeed in education and to craft appropriate interventions and/or recommendations for the classroom and home. With out-of-level testing and child-appropriate start points, this time-tested assessment gives you the speed and flexibility you need for children who may struggle with longer tests.
DAS–II NU School-Age 2023 has officially launched. Order now.
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DAS-II Overview Live Webinar 3 Hours
A103000072424 Qualification Level C

This 3-hour session provides an overview of the DAS–II focusing on characteristics of the test, subtest administration and scoring, and basic interpretation of results. Price includes up to 40 people per session.

Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. A training consultant will contact you to coordinate your training. Training dates are scheduled no earlier than 5 weeks from order placement.



Training details

Audience: This session is targeted for individuals who are new to the DAS-II or who need basic information about the DAS-II

Course description: This 3-hour session provides an overview of the DAS–II focusing on characteristics of the test, subtest administration and scoring, and basic interpretation of results.

Learning objectives: After attending this session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the conceptual structure of the DAS-II
  • Review administration directions for three of the DAS-II subtests
  • Use DAS-II results to describe cognitive strengths and weaknesses