Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development | Fourth Edition

Bayley-4 is the most comprehensive assessment tool for determining developmental delays in children. Guidance on using this test in your telepractice.
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Bayley-4 Online Independent Study On Demand 12 Hours
A103000323595 Qualification Level B

This self-paced 12-hour independent study program provides detailed guidance for the administration, scoring, and interpretation of the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development™, Fourth Edition (Bayley-4). The program consists of six modules. Participants can earn a certificate of completion for each Bayley-4 module and will have access to this course for one year.

Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. On-demand training is accessed via a welcome email sent to the email address associated with the order.



Training details

Audience: The independent study program is targeted for individuals who conduct infant-toddler assessments for early intervention or early childhood assessments for school districts and preschool programs.

Course description: This self-paced 12-hour independent study program provides detailed guidance for the administration, scoring, and interpretation of the Bayley-4. The program consists of six modules. Participants can earn a certificate of completion for each module. The curriculum offers APA CEs and NASP CEUs. Participants will have access to this course for one year.

Learning objectives: After completing the program, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the Bayley-4 scales
  • Summarize general testing guidelines
  • Discuss administration guidelines for items on the cognitive, language and motor subtests
  • Describe administration and scoring of selected items on the Bayley-4 subtests
  • List the types of scores provided by the Bayley-4
  • Show how to use different scores to identify developmental delays
  • Stay in touch