Training Partner Program
The TPP membership program is changing
TPP membership is intended to support university- and college-based professors in teaching graduate assessment courses in a “classroom” setting (virtual or in-person). This means that internship programs and others are no longer eligible for TPP membership.
Off-site training and internship program members may continue using the TPP discount until December 31, 2022.
The Q-interactive Experiential license provides the opportunity for settings outside of the classroom (e.g., university clinics and internships) to use Q-interactive at the published Q-interactive subtest administration rates. Contact Customer Support at +1 (800) 627-7271 to learn more and register.
Pearson reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of this program at any time and at its sole discretion.
Welcome university partners!
Did you know that Pearson offers a discount program for college and university professors? Membership gives you and your students access to some of today's most widely used assessments, all of which are based on rigorous research, sound professional practices, and active partnerships with leading experts in their respective fields.
Clinical Customer Support
+1 (800) 627-7271
DAL for University Student Mental Health
Resources to help you address student mental health.

Your TPP discount
As a demonstration of our commitment to your program and its development of future clinicians, all TPP members are eligible for a 40% discount on eligible Pearson products in both paper and digital formats.
To receive your discount, have your TPP account number ready and call our customer service team at 1-800-627-7271 to place your order.
Note: The TPP discount does not apply to distributed products. Contact your TPP liaison with questions.

Digital offerings
Digital assessment has become an essential component within clinical assessment processes and is vital to the training of future clinicians. TPP can support your digital assessment training with:
Free access to Q-global® digital assets!
Free materials (e.g., digital manuals and stimulus books) are available via Q-global in the Digital Assessment Library (DAL University) account. This specialized Q-global account is exclusively for university customers and contains a Resource Library with a portfolio of materials for our most popular products.
Register for free access to Q-global digital assets
Once your account is established, the assets can be accessed in the “Restricted” folders for each product via the Resource Library link at the top of the home page. See screenshot below for reference
Note: Access is for use by Training Partnership Program (TPP) members that are teaching an assessment course and would like their students to have access to exclusive materials for classroom instruction. This access is NOT for use by students in an experiential or clinic setting.
Contact your TPP liaison with questions
Reminder: Faculty should maintain personal/paid Q-global inventory separately from free/training materials, as paid inventory is prohibited from being placed in DAL University accounts (see class packs section for how to acquire free DAL University inventory).

Q-global class packs
Possibly our most important digital offering, the class packs provide a sampling of free scoring, reporting, and (where applicable) administration usages through Q-global. These packs provide an excellent avenue for students to gain experience in digital assessment and may be especially helpful in supplementing remote teaching/tele-assessment.
Read the FAQs and complete the associated roster form for your class.
Sign up for your program’s class pack:
- Clinical Psychology: FAQs | Roster
- Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy: FAQs | Roster
- School Psychology: FAQs | Roster
- Counseling and Social Work: FAQs | Roster
- Speech & Language: FAQs | Roster
Reorder individual Q-global reports by completing the Reorder Form. You may only order reports that are available in your Class Pack.
Q-interactive discounts
For those programs interested in a completely digital solution via Q-interactive®, TPP provides two options:
- Classroom license: Available at a flat annual fee of $150.00 (with no per-student fee) for any faculty teaching a course in assessment
- Experiential license: Provides the opportunity for settings outside of the classroom (e.g., university clinics and internships) to use Q-interactive at the published Q-interactive subtest administration rates. Contact Customer Support at +1 (800) 627-7271 to learn more and register.
Note: Both licenses require that Q-interactive usage is restricted to training purposes only. Also, please keep in mind that Pearson does not provide hardware (i.e., iPads) and faculty should be mindful of hardware/software requirements before purchasing.

Exclusively for TPP members: Support for teaching MCMI-IV hand-scoring
Many TPP members have asked for resources to help them teach hand-scoring for the MCMI®-IV to help their students understand the structure and psychometrics of the test. We heard you and are excited to let you know that we have created resources that you can access free via Q-global along with other print materials that are available to purchase.