Ian Robertson, PhD

Ian Robertson, PhD is a neuropsychologist and the author of The Winner Effect: The Neuroscience of Success and Failure. He holds the Chair in Psychology at Trinity College Dublin. He was formerly a senior scientist at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit and a fellow of Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge. He is a Visiting Professor at University College London and Bangor University and is a Visiting Scientist at the Rotman Research Institute, University of Toronto. A trained clinical psychologist (Institute of Psychiatry, London), he holds a Ph.D. in neuropsychology from the University of London. His research focuses on behavior change and brain plasticity; he has more than 200 published books and articles, including in Nature, Brain, Journal of Neuroscience and Psychological Bulletin. A former science writer for the London Times, his multiply-translated popular science books include Mind Sculpture: Unlocking Your Brain's Untapped Potential and The Mind’s Eye: How Images and Language Teach Us How to See.   Copyright Psychology Today.