Introducing Pearsons Digital Assessment Library for Schools Webinar (Recording)

Presenter(s): Liz Gross

Liz Grose presents on Pearson’s Digital Assessment Library for Schools (DALS) which provides a solution for school districts that offers unlimited use of nearly 40 assessments on Q-interactive and Q-global, including WISC-V, BASC-3, KTEA-3, Sensory Profile 2, CELF-5 and more.

Liz Grose presents on Pearson’s Digital Assessment Library for Schools (DALS) which provides a solution for school districts that offers unlimited use of nearly 40 assessments on Q-interactive and Q-global, including WISC-VBASC-3KTEA-3Sensory Profile 2CELF-5 and more.


 Digital Assessment Library for Schools Overview (April 12, 2022)
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