Clinical use and Application of the Activity Measure for Post-Acute Care (AM-PAC®) Webinar (Recording)
Presenter(s): Alan Jette, PT, PhD & Annette Lavezza OTR/L
Delivered by the primary author of the AM-PAC, Dr. Alan Jette, and Occupational Therapist, Annette Lavezza, this intermediate-level webinar will provide an overview of the instrument with detailed information on scoring and interpretation. There will be time for Q&A about the use and application of AM-PAC, so come prepared!
The Activity Measure for Post-Acute Care (AM-PAC®) measurement system, including the Acute-Care Short Forms (6-clicks), is used to assess function across care settings. Based on the conceptual framework outlined in the World Health Organization's International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF), the AM-PAC measures function across the domains of Basic Mobility, Daily Activity, and Applied Cognition.
Delivered by the primary author of the AM-PAC, Dr. Alan Jette, and Occupational Therapist, Annette Lavezza, this intermediate-level webinar will provide an overview of the instrument with detailed information on scoring and interpretation. There will be time for Q&A about the use and application of AM-PAC, so come prepared!
Learner Outcomes
Based on the content of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Describe how the AM-PAC uses the conceptual framework of the World Health Organization's International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)
- Explain why converting a raw AM-PAC score to a T score is useful
- Describe how the AM-PAC is administered in the acute care setting
- Discuss utilization of AM-PAC scores for care and discharge planning in the acute care setting