Do you know how your English Learners are Progressing? TELL Can Help! Webinar (Recording)
In this webinar we will discuss how to quickly and accurately identify students’ language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing to make informed instructional decisions and see measurable improvement.
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Presenter: Kathy New
Meet TELL, the Test of English Language Learning - It’s unlike any test you’ve seen, touched, or heard. TELL is a touchscreen-delivered, language proficiency assessment for grades K-12. English language learners (ELLs) read, speak, and answer questions out loud, and TELL captures their oral responses using innovative speech recognition technology. ELLs watch exciting video clips and interact with pictures and words. Scoring is automatic! TELL screens, diagnoses, and monitors ELL progress throughout the year. In this webinar we will discuss how to quickly and accurately identify students’ language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing to make informed instructional decisions and see measurable improvement.