The Pharmacy College Admission Test

The Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT®) is a specialized test that helps identify qualified applicants to pharmacy colleges. It measures general academic ability and scientific knowledge necessary for the commencement of pharmaceutical education. Register and prepare for the PCAT.

Product Details

The PCAT is administered in a computer-based test (CBT) format used by pharmacy colleges for admission purposes.


  • Writing Subtest: presents a prompt or topic, stating a problem that you are asked to address by proposing a solution in an original essay.
  • Biological Processes and Chemical Processes Subtest: items are presented in a set accompanying a short passage or as stand-alone items.
  • Critical Reading Subtest: all items are in sets that accompany reading passages.
  • Quantitative Reasoning Subtest: consists entirely of standalone items, with many of the items presented in a word-problem or problem-solving scenario.
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Test-optional admission policies and the value of quantitative measures

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