Why does summer break impact student mental health?
July 19, 2023, 12:01
, 12:01
Summertime is often a welcomed period of fun and rest for students, rewarding them with a much-needed break from their schoolwork. However, mental health never takes a vacation, and there are signs of exacerbating problems in the summer months.
A key challenge is the disruption of routine that summer brings. There’s also the reduced access to counselors, teachers, and other positive adult role models that were either a source of comfort and guidance or a positive reinforcement for their mental health. Financial instability is also a common factor, especially with students who relied on school breakfasts and lunches for their daily meals.
It’s important to note that students from historically marginalized groups are more likely to suffer from reduced access to mental health resources throughout the school year, not just in the summer.
Summer statistics for marginalized students
Research shows that the suicide rate for Black youth between ages 5 and 12 is roughly double that of their White peers. According to pre-pandemic data, suicide rates among Black children and adolescents were already on the rise.
Asian students, Black students, and students of multiple races were the groups most likely to say they experienced racism, according to research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about high school students’ mental health concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Other CDC data from 2019 shows that a larger share of Hispanic students experienced feelings of sadness or hopelessness than their White or Black counterparts. Meanwhile, American Indian/Alaska Native youth continue to report the highest suicide rates of all demographics.
Gender and sexuality also play a significant factor. The Trevor Project reports that 12% of White and Asian American/Pacific Islander (AAPI) LGBTQ youth attempted suicide in the past year, compared to 19% of Black youth, 16% of Latinx youth and 21% of Native/Indigenous youth. The share of respondents who considered suicide during that time was much higher, ranging from 41% for AAPI youth to 55% for Native/Indigenous youth.
Dr. Daniella Maglione, a nationally certified school psychologist and senior assessment consultant with Pearson, asserts that students from these marginalized groups may need more encouragement to seek out resources, as they are less likely to do so on their own. Reasons for this include stigma around mental health within their own communities, alongside inherent prejudice within the mental health community itself. With these issues, it can be difficult for marginalized students to find the motivation to seek out these resources. So, it’s important to find ways to encourage them to take the necessary steps to take care of their mental health.
Three tips for supporting student mental health during summer break
Publicize available support. Remind youth and families that help is available outside of school. Start by compiling a list of local and national mental health supports. These could include:
Peer support groups
Telehealth services
Therapist directories
Teen Line : 1-800-852-8336 (This nonprofit national teen hotline is staffed by trained teen volunteers.)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline : 1-800-273-8255 (Beginning on July 16, 2022, individuals in the U.S. can reach this line by calling, texting or chatting the number 988.)
Disaster Distress Helpline : 1-800-985-5990 (A national hotline for crisis counseling sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).)
SAMHSA’s National Helpline : 1-800-662-4357 or TTY 1-800-487-4889 (Referral and information service in English and Spanish for individuals or families facing mental health issues and/or substance abuse disorders.)
Once you have assembled the list, promote it through as many channels as possible, Dr. Maglione advises. Post the information on your website and create a flyer in the languages spoken by families in your community that can be distributed via email and posted on social media. Ask community gathering spots such as gyms, churches and libraries to distribute the flyers as well.
Offer activity suggestions . One potential cause of summertime mental health concerns is kids having too much time on their hands, Dr. Maglione warns. “Let them know about activities or camps where students can be active and socialize with others while maintaining a consistent schedule,” she says. When reaching out to families, include information about local agencies that provide free services or adjust fees on a sliding scale according to income. Consider also compiling a list of places students can work or volunteer, such as with pets, children or senior citizens. “It helps give students a sense of belonging and the satisfaction of helping others,” she explains.
Promote healthy habits . While never a substitute for needed therapy and medication, Dr. Maglione suggests several practices that can help students cope with stress, anxiety, and depression. These include meditation or mindfulness training, regular exercise, and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule.
Prepare early for mental health in the fall
While it’s not entirely possible for educators to keep on top of their students’ mental health all summer, it’s important to keep their needs in mind while planning your fall curriculum.
Here are some steps to help you prepare :
Weave in components of social-emotional learning (SEL) . This teaching strategy helps students learn to set goals, manage their emotions and create more supportive relationships and it can be incorporated into any lesson. “SEL screening tools that are directly linked to interventions are particularly advantageous because they help us pinpoint student’s strengths and weaknesses while providing us with tools to improve these areas of weaknesses or concerns,” Dr. Maglione advises.
Identify needed supports . Think about your school’s mental health support needs and the types of support currently available, then identify the gaps. Work with other departments to augment resources and ensure you aren’t duplicating efforts.
There’s a lot to be learned about mental health and how to support your entire student body. See how Pearson can help your school district offer the best mental health resources year-round at PearsonAssessments.com/MentalHealth .