Navvy Standard-by-Standard Diagnostic Assessment System
Navvy is a student-friendly and technology-savvy classroom assessment system that provides short, standard-by-standard assessments that are embedded in classroom practice. The assessments are available on-demand and used as needed to provide realtime results to inform personalized learning.
Navvy uses a smart psychometric approach to not only provide immediate and actionable results that classroom systems typically provide, but also to ensure results are accurate to correctly inform personalized instruction and successfully navigate each student’s learning journey. It offers a new way to approach assessment in schools and is approved by the US Department of Education's Innovative Assessment program.
It’s important that your formative assessments reflect your summative assessment and there are no surprises. Navvy’s research-proven design marks the first of its kind that bridges the gap between classroom and summative assessments. This short video focuses on the why of Navvy’s design and how it is unique.
Using Navvy, smaller assessments (eight or fewer questions) are given on-demand throughout the year to provide timely, reliable feedback that is used to monitor and advance student progress on the required state or district standards or learning objectives.
Navvy provides:

- A classroom system for diagnosing strengths and areas for support at the standards level
- Short, valid, pre-built assessments to use at a pace determined by the educator
- Learning empowerment by encouraging students to set smart goals and earn badges through multiple assessment opportunities
- A novel psychometric approach bringing accuracy to classroom assessment
A New Way to Assess
In Navvy, students complete short assessments to earn digital, standards-level microcertifications throughout the year, allowing them and their school systems to monitor specific progress and needs both within and across grade levels.
In addition to competency checks, Navvy has a complete suite of standard-by-standard practice assessments that can be given remotely and used formatively to identify gaps in prior-grade and on-grade standards.
Teacher Dashboards

Navvy gives teachers standards-level actionable feedback. They can use the competency diagnosis to focus learning supports on those standards for which students need support. They can see which students have the same need and create groupings for personalized instruction based on competency diagnoses.

Demonstrated Success
Students at schools utilizing Navvy with a high degree of fidelity have demonstrated unprecedented learning gains in both Math and English/Language Arts across grade levels.