
  • 4 ways K-12 educators can recharge this summer

    Woman reading a book

    K-12 educators are more likely to feel burnt out than workers in any other industry1 — and the gap is widening. While summer is typically seen as a break from school, the reality is that most educators spend their summers retraining and planning for the year ahead, which leaves little time for recharging.

    With teacher retention predicted to be one of the biggest challenges in K-12 in 2023,2 here’s how you can recognize the warning signs of burnout and find ways to battle burnout to prepare for a successful new school year.

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  • A new approach to interim assessments

    Group of diverse teenagers socializing

    Are my students on track to meet end-of-year goals? How will they perform on the summative assessment? Where do we need to focus our attention during instruction? Are there students who are ready for more challenging topics? These are all questions educators ask themselves on a regular basis, and schools and districts typically turn to interim assessments to provide the answers.

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  • Pearson Assessment for Learning Suite: Accelerating learning by supporting the whole child

    by Trent Workman, Senior Vice President, Pearson School Assessment

    child with paint on their hands

    As a parent of three kiddos under 10, I know firsthand that kids are complex. To meet them where they are and support their development is a fluid process that must take into account their unique needs, goals, and personalities. In talking to teachers across the country, I hear the difficulty they face in personalizing instruction to support every learner. Not because of lack of effort and certainly not because they aren’t passionate about their roles in students' lives. It's in part due to the management of multiple technology platforms and systems-technology aimed at helping teachers, but often leading to more work. When multiple tech platforms don't talk to each other, that means teachers must track student results in different systems, reconcile them with each other and then, what they actually know about their students.

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  • Navvy Standard-by-Standard Diagnostic Assessment System

    Illustration: child looking through telescope

    Navvy is a student-friendly and technology-savvy classroom assessment system that provides short, standard-by-standard assessments that are embedded in classroom practice. The assessments are available on-demand and used as needed to provide realtime results to inform personalized learning.  

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